Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Zen and quantum theory, chicken and egg

I came across this article in Wikipedia (link in title) about a book called 'The Tao of Physics'. The author writes that in an interview with Heisenberg, Heisenberg told him about his influences from eastern philosphy.
I had to think of a book I read, by Steve Hagen, "How the world can be the way it is", where the author illustrates Zen/Taoist truths with quantum physical examples. As if to say: "See, if even the latest science arrives at the same conclusions as age-old Zen, there must be truth in there."
I started to wonder: "What if quantum physics is just some clever statistical math, inspired by eastern philosophy? A clever approximation for measured results? What was first? The chicken or the egg? Tao proven by quantum physics or quantum physics inspired by the Tao?"

Apart from the examples in physics that Hagen shows us, his book is not a bad book by the way.

I think I want to read this 'Tao of Physics'. I also want to understand more about quantum mechanics, because I really know nothing about it.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read the book, but I wouldn't put that chicken in front of this egg. Analogies are good, but must be taken with a grain of salt.
After all, Socrates was also darn close to pre-uttering the Heisenberg's principle, when he said "I know that I know nothing", but I don't think that makes him a quantuum physicist.

Anton said...

You might be right. I've got to read more to be sure.